New Year, More Blog
Long time no blog, am I right? The last few months have been busy! My plan for this blog is to do a photo dump to get myself back in the habit of blogging because you and I both know I am the most inconsistent blogger on the planet. Here are some highlights for a 2024 year end wrap up/new year updates.
We officially bought and moved into our new house. I don’t have a great way of showing you the house without taking a bunch of Zillow style pictures like we’re trying to sell it, but I’m gonna be honest with you - I am way too lazy to do that. However, I will do Facetime video tours upon request.
We moved in at the very end of September/early October, so we’re pretty much settled in at this point. There are still a few kinks to work out and some things to perfect, but so far we’re happy with the house. It’s cozy.
No real work updates. I still like my job. Ian is dabbling in exploring other options, so stay tuned as that whole process unfolds.
We’ve been skiing a ton, and that’s been fun. I don’t have much photographic proof of that either because it’s too hard to ski and take pictures at the same time. We’ve been 12 times so far this season and have long weekend ski trips planned to Idaho in February and Southern Utah in March. For reference, last year during the entire December-April season we skied 20 times.
We’re getting culturally enriched with visits to the Utah Symphony and to see Ian’s very first musical. Just yesterday we made the short trek downtown to see The Book of Mormon. He even asked to go back to the symphony for his birthday to see a special performance of video game scores.
The Kansas City Chiefs are the worst, and the whole thing is rigged.
Other than my trying not to go down a deep dark hole of depression and anxiety about the current state of the world, I think you’re all caught up now. Please enjoy this photo recap of the last few months in the life of the Swatsons.
It’s Fall, Y’all
Bonus picture of my rooftop yoga set up that I got to use twice before it got too cold.
North Carolina & Maryland (November 2024)
We missed the trees! Charlotte has great ones.
Charlotte has great food too!
Boone has wonderful family plus cool trees...
Beautiful sunsets…
Great lakes with cool beaver dams…
And more beautiful Blue Ridge sunsets.
Reunited and it feels so good.
More hugs featuring the back of Dad’s head and someone’s new beau who had yet to experience all four sisters together in one place in full force.
Sister field trip to the Inner Harbor plus the boys.
We also went to a wedding!
Happy Holidays
Thanksgiving 10k
First you run then you feast! Then we got COVID, and that’s even worse than running.
We officially have too many ornaments for the little Charlie Brown tree we’ve had since we first moved in together.
The gifts we get each other have to fit in the other person’s stocking. It’s surprisingly difficult.
It’s Winter
There’s supposed to be a waterfall back there somewhere.
Casual parking lot turkey
Skiing is hard when you’re actively in a snow cloud and can’t see.
We’re only a little frozen.
Ski resort parking lot sunrise
Just a pretty view from the top of a hill on one of my after work walk routes.
Proof Ian willingly attended a Utah Symphony performance. This one was the music of John Williams.
The Book of Mormon in Salt lake City was extra hilarious because we live in the satire.
Last but not least, what sorry excuse for a crab cake is this? Utah has several redeeming qualities, but this is not one of them.
Thank you again for being a loyal reader despite my inability to provide you with consistent material. If I don’t post again next month it’s either because the world continues to go to sh*t and I’m too deep in a dark mental hole to post, or I’m on the slopes. Perhaps a combination of the two. Either way, I love and miss you all. Thank you for keeping up with this little blog. Until next time…